Spring Mashpit Homebrew Session - Worcester - Central MA

On Saturday, April 16, the Mashpit Brewers along with Dr. Gonzo’s Uncommon Condiments will be having their Saint Gambinus Spring 2011 Mashpit Homebrew Session in the Mashpit behind the Doctor’s store at 122 Main St in Worcester. beginning at noon until flameout. This event celebrates the legendary birthday of the patron saint of beer, King Gambrinus of Flanders, circa April 11, 1250.

Some of the brewers will be making Belgian beer styles to honor Gambrinus’ legacy to brewing. Others brewers will be concocting other beer styles enticing the other patron saints to sit beside them. There will be extract and all-grain recipes brewed and all of the Mashpit Brewers love to discuss and show you how they brew, while they brew. They will also be proud to share their amazingly flavored beer with you throughout the day. We’ll also have food, Dr. Gonzo’s condiments and some Wormtown craft beer available.

If you want to brew with us, all you need to do is to log on to the Saint Gambrinus Spring 2011 Mashpit Homebrew Session’s Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=201115489901701 and add your name to the list. The first 6 people registering get in the mashpit to brew. Casual observers are welcome to stroll in and visit without registering. Brewers will need to bring their own ingredients and homebrewing equipment including a propane burner and tank. Water for brewing and cleaning up is provided.

Think about your Belgian or other recipe and ingredients, register and brew with us!