Squash Time (New pics)

Today was this year’s peak for these guys…

yummy, those look delicious!

They are good for sure.  We par cook em in a little olive oil then bag em
freeze  em and have them to enjoy all winter.

When we cook them for the table, we put them back into a low-med skillet
add black pepper and just keep turning them till they carmelize…they get sweet
and as you said, yummy.

I slice them about 1/4 thick, and make a marinate from olive oil, fresh  minced garlic, salt, pepper, and oregano. A half hour soak, then on the grill for abot 3 minutes per side. Don’t even taste like vegetables when I’m done.

Zucc’s are a bit big, take 5 smaller ones (slice 1/4 thick) fry in olive oil till soft, add chopped tomatoes and cook down. Add basil (spices of choice) and cheese and roast in the oven for 30 minutes, serve over noodles or rice, you will be in heaven.

All of you are a bunch of freaks. :smiley:

Not very big on squash though I will eat it. Asian style is my preference- seared hot in a wok with garlic, sesame oil, and chili. Finish with soy sauce.

Hmmm maybe I’ll just do a zucchini plant next year.

That’s sacrilege! (any anti-squash comments)

Yeah Asian style is pretty hard to beat

hey vert, that’s a good looking pile of squash. cheers, j

I like a zucc grated and sauteed in olive oil with some garlic, cook it way down like you’re doing caramelized onions.  Absolutely fantastic, I could eat that all day long.  Since it’s walla walla season I’ve been doing those salted in a little olive oil and cooking them down and eating them just like that.  Amazing!

What, no ratatouille?

The only thing I know about Ratatouille is that it was a cute movie. :)  But I’m willing to learn, do you have a good recipe to share?  I might have time to make it tomorrow.

That I do like! My gateway vegetarian meal with basmati rice.

There is no recipe; cut up some onions, squash, tomatoes and eggplant, add in some olive oil, some fresh thyme, parsley, basil, a few cloves of garlic, salt & pepper, maybe a little red wine if you’re feeling adventurous. Cook on low for a looong time. That’s it. The Ratatouille (Film) version is called Confit Byaldi and was suggested to Pixar by Thomas Keller. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/13/dining/131rrex.html

You can use bell pepper in your ratatouille but that’s not How We Do It Around Here.

And yes, served over rice or pasta, it’s perfect.

Come on Phil!  This is like saying “there is no recipe for beer.  Some malt in water, take the grain out, boil what’s left, add some hops, boil some more, chill it and add yeast”.

I’ll do it, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be good. :slight_smile:

Yeah, sure there are techniques, but ratatouille is IMO the French equivalent of a grilled cheese sandwich. It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as it has the right ingredients. If you need a recipe, you’re doing it wrong  :wink:

Ya’ll are making me feel bad for thinking about slicing this fatty for the chickens on the compost pile!

One way to slow down a zuc plant is to let it concentrate on a monster for a while.
I might try that grated and caramelized idea.  Cheers.

+1 pinnah  We don;t grate em but slice em 1/8  inch thick rounds and carmelize those
that method requires a lot of attendance and stirring but is well worth the effort. As you see
the skillet contact area toasting brown, flip em over and over and over and over…et al…
pretty soon they get sweet and very yummy. And put some cracked black pepper in the mix…

Why not confit? slice super thin, layer into a baking dish and cap with duck fat. Cook looooow and slooow. No idea if it would actually work, of course.

As big as that one is, you could caramelize some, make some confit, and make a few loaves of zucchini bread. :slight_smile:

…and give some to the chickens ::)  They really are a fantastic plant.

How about Delicata squash.  Anybody grow that one?  Really nice nutty flavor, supposed to be a winter squash but I am eating the first of mine right now.  Nice to go out to the garden for dinner.

My wife slices zucchini into 1/4" rounds, breads them with egg wash and crushed crackers, fries them till the outside is a bit crisp (in lard, of course) and sprinkles brown sugar over them.  The kids will founder on it if you let them.  My littlest one called them zu-candy.
