Stainless Dry Hopper

I recently picked this up from  It seems to be well fabricated, and I like the screw on top.  I’m using it now to dryhop an APA with 3 ounces of Citra, so we’ll see how it goes.

It’s hard to tell from the picture, but it’s 10 inches tall.


Got one too, and I like it a lot. Beats the bag weighted with marbles. Glad I bought it ! Very handy for coffee beans, vanilla beans, cacao nibs, etc., too.

The owner is a local guy here in AZ and participates in our homebrew club fairly frequently. Great guy and great products. He’s always looking for ways to improve his products as well.

It worked very well, though I think 3 ounces was a bit much for the 10 inch version so I also bought the larger 18 inch version.

+1 . I bought the bigger one and love it. Best sub $50 purchase in a long time.

How difficult are they to clean? Seems like schmutz could get stuck in the cracks and crevasses. P

Not bad. I use the kitchen sink sprayer. But you could run it through a dishwasher rinse cycle. No worries.

I agree that they are pretty easy to clean using the sink sprayer.

When in doubt, boil it!