Star San - Galvanized Steel - Oops...

had to sanitize some bottles for a batch today (god I forgot how much I hate bottling).

Not thinking, I used one of those steel tubs you get at Walmart/Home Depot for icing down beers.

Anyway, I used that as my star san dunk bucket - did I just ruin everything?

Towards the end, the star san was a bit hazy.

I forget, what’s the pH of StarSan? The FDA now says galvanized steel is safe for use with food if it’s not too acidic, like  below 5.5 – I’d have to look it up again.

The pH is lower than 5.5.  I believe its under 4.

For Star San you actually want the pH to be under 3. I’d rinse and re-sanitize - it seems like minimal effort for the peace of mind.

i don’t think you understood - already bottled… :cry:

i taste tested one of the CPF bottles I filled and it seems fine.

I can’t imagine that the reaction would be all that significant in 1-2 hours time.  plus the bottles and equipment was let dry beforehand - not like I’m drinking the star san solution.

Galvanized = Zinc
Zinc is dissolved by acid and excessive Zinc is toxic. I wouldn’t risk it.
Wikipedia has a pretty good write up. The toxicity part is about 2/3 of the way down.

agreed, but were talking about stuff I rinsed with, not drinking the stuff.

granted, the bottles weren’t bone dry (some foam bubbles were still present) but they were pretty dry.

It might take the “metallic off flavor” to a new level ;D

well, I just took one of the bottles I CPFed against a sample right off the keg.

Tastes/Smells identical.

I think i’m worrying about nothing, though I won’t ever use that tub again.

I’ll go out on a limb; your ethyl alcohol consumption far outweighs a probably not detectable level of zinc consumption… ;D


I’m thinking I’m fine.  Lesson learned.

I’m hoping so. Now, if someone with specific knowledge says don’t drink 'em, I would heed that advice. Good luck!

First give a six-pack or so to some “friends”, wait a week or so and then ask them how they’re feeling.  :smiley:

haha - well, i just drank a bottle, so we’ll see soon enough - I think its fine…

Well, it’s been nice knowing you, Paul…:wink:

I emailed JP and Five Star Chemicals - we’ll see what those two have to say - if they say dump it, then so be it.

I’m assuming the tubing and bucket I used that were soaked in PBW afterward and then rinsed well would be okay regardless, right?

My opinion is you’re gonna be OK and so is the brew.

Chalk it up to “experience” and move on? Curious to see what the response is from Mr Palmer and the 5-Star folks.

I probably wouldn’t worry about it considering the short contact time and the minuscule amount of star san in the bottles.

Though the results of scientific studies are mixed, there are some cold remedies and lozenges marketed that claim zinc is effective at shortening the common cold.  Maybe you should just save the brew for the next time you have the sniffles.  If the zinc doesn’t work, you can just have a few more beers until your cold “goes away.”  :wink:


It’s probably in the parts per million then diluted into 12oz of beer in the worst case scenario. I think 5 star chem should be able to put your mind at ease.