
how long will starsans last when mixed with distilled water?

I keep mine for about 3 months or until I have spilled too much too much for it to be usable. I’ve heard much longer.

I use RO, not distilled.

thanks! I’ve heard until it gets cloudy, but just getting some other thoughts.

Actually, cloudy isn’t a good indicator. Some water sources will cause it to go cloudy near instantly. A true test would be to measure the ph.

I’ve gone 2 years.

For kicks? Or just to test it?

Wow! Mine’s pretty grungy-looking after 3 or 4 months, so I usually dump it then. But I don’t doubt you’ve gone that long. pH has never been an issue for me.

I don’t start testing pH with strips until it gets cloudy. I use RO and keep in a sealed bucket in a closet in the house, to avoid the big temp changes in the garage. Usually lasts up to a year before I mix new, unless the quantity gets low enough to need it sooner.

Kinda by accident.  I had some mixed up in a spray bottle and forgot about it.  When I tested it, it was still good.

Does everyone test with pH strips?

I should probably get some…

Yeah, I got some low range strips that are used for wine.

Thanks.  I’ll put those on the list for the next trip the the LHBS.

effective at PH =/< 3 - is that right?

Yep, 3 or under is my understanding.