Just got a Deluxe Kit from Northern and noticed that it did not come with a cap or burper option wanted to see if I could do the process in one of the large water bottles are there any universal cappers and or burpers for these?
If you’re referring to “water cooler” style bottles, it’s probably not a good idea to use that as a fermenter. First - unless you can confirm with the bottle manufacturer that the material won’t break down from cleaning or sanitizing solutions…or allow O2 to permeate the bottle, you’re taking a good risk of making really bad beer. Second - there are way too many “nooks and crannies” to clean and sanitize in the “water cooler” bottles I’m familiar with. IMO - spend a couple extra bucks ($25 +/-) and get a fermenting bucket, carboy etc. with smooth surfaces (on the inside). Your fermenter needs to be cleaner than clean and completely sanitized. It’s really impossible to ensure a vessel is clean and sanitized if it has lots of places for bad critters to hide - “nooks and crannies”.
I’m not sure exactly what you mean here. Can you post a link to the exact kit you’re talking about?
Pictures are worth a whole lot of words.