Style: Festbock, "Dunkles bock"

An important beer for me was Faxe Festbock, now moved slightly more directly roasty as Faxe Stout. But currently drinking a Holsten Festbock, this style is out of guidelines and the above listed site because i’d definitely assume cane sugar or rice or corn is added.

7-9% ABV, at least 20 EBC up to fully black, FG 1.008 - 1.014, 25-35 IBU. Take a look at that for a second and note that we’re looking for roast/black notes over any kind of crystal or fruitiness.

These are lagered slightly light stouts at high OG. I’ve been drinking these for almost two decades and can’t live without them.

I would not jump to call these a dunkles bock, because theyre so often from northern germany or other countries (holland, denmark, USA).

is Festbock a style?

maybe is a fusion of festbier and tradition bock? I don’t know but if you’re doing for yourself and friends go for it and call festbock, good brewing

Style 4C - Helles Bock (also called Maibock or Heller Bock), perhaps?  It is typically a Helles style brewed to a Bock level strength.  Originally brewed for release in the spring, hence the name Maibock.

I think you’re right, it look like more a helles bock than a dunkel, the colour, IBU and FG is right but maybe there a little sugar to increase the ABV

correction, i meant 20 SRM, but helles bock does not fit this. note i’ve described mandatory black malt and up to a black colour. im saying 20srm is an absolute minimum. my favourite examples are basically unsophisticated schwarzbiers with slightly more real roast notes and a much higher ABV