Submitting Articles.

How can someone submit articles to Zymurgy?

I was thinking of writing one on the welding processes and do it your self brew stand construction.

I would love to see an article on that.

well it will certainly come to folks attention here. I’ve sent a mail to Jill to check here.

OK, in the spirit of “Leap of Faith” (Steve Martin movie) I challenge you to work tubesock into your article.

I’d like to see some tips on how to do the gas beam; if you’re doing requests.

Hmm… done.


Tube-socks will be tough but I think I can do it.

Beerocd, the gas arm was fairly simple to do a little tougher to test. We did one on bluesman’s rig. Just let me know your Q’s. With that shinny new welder you have Ill bet you will be starting your stand real soon, right?

I could write something into the homebrewepedia too.

Contribute where you can!

Not too soon, I just finished my electric setup. I was just wondering about the holes for the threaded pipe. Do you go big enough to slip them into the hole and sink them in a little or are they bigger than the hole and you weld them onto the surface of the beam? For the kettles I’ve seen some use pullouts which makes it look really cool, but the material on the gas beam may be too thick. Other thing is to maybe stick to mig/flux for the article, assuming most of us will be welding noobs. But you could put in a pic of mig vs tig welds just for comparison.

Safety tips like don’t lick the electrode…  ;D

Tube socks can be a hazard while welding, if that is all you are wearing.

The couplers sit best on top and outside of the hole. It would be hard to hold or fixture them if they were “sleeved” inside the hole.

Yeah, I was thinking I would go over all of the processes in regards to different materials since this applies to one have their gear welded by a hired welder. TIG especially cause of what is required on keg conversions and kettles. Like sanitary welding.
Pays to know this stuff even if you are hiring it out.

Ill do it in the homebrewepedia section. Figured I would open with a brief summary of welding like in the welding information thread.
Then document bluesmans SS Brutus 10 build, followed by step by step for  a budget steel build that a beginner could do.

I have to figure out a way to photograph the weld at the weld pool and then Im sure I could write down how to run a nice weld.

Been working on a welding info article. Gonna work on some photos of SS welding as well. Im gonna use it in a marketing mailer for my business. Include it with a catalog of products and services.  The idea being that maybe potential customers will find the information useful and it will find its way to their reference library instead of file thirteen.

After Im gonna tweak it so it applies to brewing and brew equipment with some photos Im getting of SS welding. Make it so it has comprehensive info on building and working on brew gear for the laymen who is either going to DIY or hire a welder.  I was thinking it would be good in Zymurgy mag or one of the other brew mags. Its great when a mag serves as reference material. This way early issues stay around in peoples libraries and the advertising included lasts a lot longer. Maybe I should put just put it here on the website. Maybe in the homebrewepedia. that looks like it is more of a recipe thing though.

Either way I will post my upcoming adventures welding SS sanitary welds and stuff in the equipment section. Maybe even some pics of work in a commercial brewery.

Homebrewpedia is supposed to serve as a repository for any and all homebrew knowledge, so toss it in!

Thanks and oops, didnt realize there is an equipment section till now.

Need to experiment with some welding photos for it.


With all your great food recipes… Why the hell don’t you do a regular foodie column in BYO or Zymurgy, too?!

We’d “eat it up!”

I would love too. What do you do just  send something to them. Or is it one of those things where I need an agent?  ;D

This is all just practice for that epic screenplay I am going to write.

Oh man the food one is a great idea! What about a section with reader submitted food recipes and pairings. Wow, that would be fun and with the Gourmet magazines falling away like flies there is lots of room.

Cap, talk with Jill and I

Mr. Language Person says “That’s Jill and me”.  ;D

Yeah, but I’m exploring exploding the rules, man. cause like you know the rules are a drag.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks, I figure I’d tried to talk “Denny” for a bit. :slight_smile:



Are you related to Ricky?

Quite possible, just a little less Canadian and a little less trailer park. :slight_smile: