Substitute for Maris Otter extract

A brewing buddy of mine recently moved and was only able to tale along enough brewing gear to be able to do extract brews.  He wants to make his favorite AG brown recipe as an extract batch, but it called for Maris Otter malt.  There no longer seems to be a supplier of Maris Otter extract, so is there a brand of extract that gets close or perhaps something he can do to doctor an extract batch to mimic one made with MO?

I’m not really Mr. Extract, but do you still have English-origin pale extracts available?  I would go with one of those first.  If not, then use a domestic pale extract.  You might steep 2 oz of Biscuit malt along with your specialty grains to get some of the flavor.  It won’t be the same, but it might be more in the ball park.  In a brown beer, the darker malts are going to be carrying the flavor more anyway.  If it’s an English brown recipe, you might see if you can get some brown malt and steep some of that (2-4 oz, maybe).

Thanks, Gordon.  Good sugggestions.  I’ll pass those along.

Try a mini mash with a lb or so of victory. That’s what a lot of breweries use to mimic MO.

Interesting, thanks.  I don’t know if he’s got any equipment for a mini-mash, but at 1 lb I’m sure he could just use kitchen utensils and cobble something together.

Biscuit and Victory have similar flavors; I sub them for each other all the time.

Yeah, I saw this, but I’m not convinced that it’s Marris Otter (but it may be close enough).

Gordon - thanks for the additional tip.

If you have a stock pot and a kitchen colander you can mini mash. :wink:

Agree, Biscuit and Victory are very close.

Indeed, that’s how I make starters (well, I use a vegetable steamer)…