Sending out an early note about the Summer Suds in Savannah homebrew competition to take place Sept 1-2 in conjunction with the Savannah Craft Brew Fest over Labor Day weekend. All beer and cider styles will be accepted, plus this year we will have a Special Category 29 “Low Country Ale/Lager”. Judges are needed as well and we should have a few Fest tix available either free or at a reduced cost for volunteers.
The entry window will be August 5-24 and cost is just $6 per entry. The Best of Show beer will be brewed at Moon River Brewing Company.
FYI, I have opened up the registration page, so enter if you dare! We will be giving away a Brewhemoth 22-gal conical as a BOS prize (and have a 15-gal Penrose kettle as well), so added impetus to enter.
Anyone with a Category 29 Low Country Ale Lager entry should provide a paper copy of their 100-word or less description if they need more space than available on the online registration page (will only go to 256 characters tho that may be enough).
The registration page was off-line for the past day due to unforeseeable circumstances (damn AT&T). Note that we are back live and ready to take your entries. Only 6 more days til the entry window closes. Sorry for any confusion.