Sun Oxygen Cleaner/Oxyclean.. .film

I’ve been using this Sun Oxygen Cleaner for awhile, and am noticing a white film on my Super Siphon hose.  I’m also noticing a buildup in my plastic bucket.  Does Oxyclean cause this same problem?  How can I remove the film from my Super Siphon?

I don’t notice this problem in glass or stainless steel, i.e., carboys or kegs…

Is there a better all-purpose cleaner?

I’vce had the same problem. A re-soak in warm sun cleaner usually takse care of the problem.

mix your sun 50:50 with TSP substitute (green box).  it works better than sun/oxy alone.

You just need a light acid to neutralize the oxiclean and take off the film.  A spray bottle of water filled with StarSan will work.  I have also used a few teaspoons of distilled white vinegar in a water bath (or spray bottle) to get rid of the film.

Are you rinsing well with HOT water?

I have had that happen as well when I leave things soaking too long.  Especially bottles.  Another less prolonged soak in a fresh mix with warm water followed by a hot rinse usually does the trick.