I am trying to input my material list into Beer Smith Mobile and came across this Superbrau Extract. Of course it isn’t in the current inventory and I do not like substituting material because is will not be accurate in the final results. I’ve tried to Google the info so that I can add it to the inventory but have come up with nothing.
Does anyone have any information I could use to “add” a new grain to my Beer Smith
Thanks ;D
Funny you should ask how old it is…my wife, for my birthday last April, took a recipe from a magazine and took it to the local Homebrew USA and had them put a kit together. I’m thinking I need to see if a Bill of Material was put together, if not, take the article back and discuss it with them. I bet they substituted with something else. It was a LME I used…
Thanks for the feedback. Was wondering why so many viewed but none replied.