Suprisingly Good Movie

I was at the redbox yesterday looking for The Heist. With Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy it must be pretty good. It wasn’t there. The  only other movie that box had that seemed even vaguely interesting to me was Super 8. I have not seen any advertisements about this movie. I only remember seeing a trailer from it. In the trailer there was a spectacular train wreck. Then something mysterious after that. I figured it was only a buck and a half so what the heck!

BTW I have a nice theater set up in my man cave and I love kicking back with home brews and watching movies. I particularly like movies that light up my big plasma TV.

Anyway this movie really reminded me of the old Speilburg. From back in the  day he did that “Amazing Stories” series on TV. It was a very original concept and very well done. The first half of the movie reminded me of the old Alfred Hitchcock technique of presenting the graphic with no graphics. What made him “the master” was he would build the details to the scenes in your mind without presenting them on the screen.

The plot to the movie slowly unfolds piece by piece as the movie progresses. Leaving a lot of question in your mind but answering them all in its own time. I am really surprised this  movie didn’t get more hype. But maybe that is why I enjoyed it. Often movies that get a lot of hype are anti climatic when you see them. Because you have already seen all the best parts in the trailers.

This movie borders on the realms of family movie. It does have a monster in it that might be scary to small children though. There was very little swearing in it. And the violence was not of a really graphic nature.

My bro-in-law brought that over to my mancave a while ago. It was OK. I guess I’m not huge into movies though. It really has to be something I’m really excited about for me to really want to watch it, and get into. That said, I saw Hunger Games again last night. Glad you enjoyed it so much though.

I thought super eight was great! Then again I’m a child of the 70’s and eighties. Some of you whippersnappers might not have gotten it.

Tin Tin was great too, FWiw

not tin tin but rhymes.  try the movie Win Win.  if you are a high school wrestling fan it is a lot of fun

Thanks. I was a wrestler and my fourteen year old son is as well. I’ll put it on my que