
So after the month’s 7th all nighter across the pond, my posterior finds itself waking up in Stockholm, where a beer in a bar is about $10… :o

Plan B in that situation is to find the local hootch store. In a shopping center I not only find a plethora of vendors with cheese, sausages etc, there is also a liquor store.

Interesting concept. All that is available is on display, behind glass, with a card with a description, in Swedish alas, and a stock number. One display with white wine, one red and one beer. When you figure out what you want you go to one of many “tellers” and order 2 2345’s, one 13223 etc etc.

Maredsous…(BIG bottle) $5.50…I’ll take two.
And of course some local tasties…this guy:

Nam nam NAM! Please sir, may I have another SIR!

I think I will survive the 48 hours here under $100…in STYLE. That’s good, VERY good.

I really like Maredsous’ beers. Nice pick.

How’s the weather over there?

Fifties for a high, cloudy today, sunny tomorrow. Everyone’s holding their breath as they know it’s the silence before the storm. Winter comes early and leaves late here…Look at a map, latitude is same as southern tip of Greenland.

IIRC Maredsous is from Duvel Moortgat brewery and I like all three. Expensive in Texas. :o Loved Stockholm and had the best pizza in my life there. Lucky guy Oscar. 8)

Pizza? Didn’t have the urge to have that here…Salmon coming out of my ears… ;D