Swaen Malt ...

I have used a bunch of their stuff and last week I ordered some Light and Dark Munich from Label Peelers.  I made a mistake and ordered their “Goldswaen” product which they call “Goldswaen Munich Light” (which is 30°L) and “Goldswaen Munich Dark” (which is 50°L).  This is clearly not base malt.  I’m not sure why Swaen would label something that is a crystal malt “Munich Light” or “Munich Dark” but I’m past that point.  The question is … has anyone brewed with this stuff and if so … what did you do with it?  If it’s just a 30L and 50L crystal malt, then I know what to do with it.  But where does the “Munich” part come in … if at all?  I won’t make that mistake again.  ::slight_smile:

I have used both, but at a very light touch as if with a crystal.  I use their Carahell 10L in my Helles and their Platinum Swaen acid malt for pH adjustment in almost every batch of lagers other than dark lagers.

So if I wanted to add a touch of color to something and I added 5% of this Swaengold Munich Dark 50L to a recipe … would it just be like adding a 50L crystal or is there some additional maltiness I can expect because they call it “Munich”?    Thanks for the reply.

On the Briess site last night I read a great article about crystal malts and understanding the effects of them.  It was quite enlightening.  I won’t say it’ll answer your question, but there were some surprising bits of info in it. (to me anyway).  Not a long read either.


Color is adjusted to more golden than straw at the quarter to half pound level I use in my lagers; definitely a bit more malty than crystal of the same L.

Thank you for that.  I’m not really much of a crystal user.  I do have Special B, C60 and CaraMunich in the house along with dark UK crystal but it’s used very sparingly.  I’m mildly sheepish to admit it but I ordered this stuff as if it was base malt so I now have 10 pounds of “C30” and 20 pounds of “C50”.  :o  Aye, aye, aye.

Yeah, i can see how that can be confusing if you don’t use a lot of Swaen malts. Goldswaen is their line of Cara malts. So you have a bunch of Caramunich in 30L and 50L on your hands.  :frowning:

I have great results with caramunichs when making Amber Lagers. Doesn’t take much to give it a nice deep amber color (not brown) and provides a lot of dark malt character. Goes well with Czech lager yeasts!

Thank you.  I may never have to order any crystal malts for the rest of my brewing days!  I do make pale ales, ambers, red ales, red lagers and some other beers with color so I know I’ll use this stuff … it’s just wild to me that I have been brewing for 25 years and I feel PUNK’d by Swaen Malts.  :D  Like a newbie could have ordered that stuff and used it as “base malt” and they would have been very surprised when they tasted that beer.