I am looking for a clone for an all grain Sweetwater 420 clone. There is a website that sells the ingredients bundled, but I don’t know if I trust the hop schedule (or lack of one) given. Here’s the link :http://www.brewmasterswarehouse.com/recipe/d66b18b3/
Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I don’t really taste the munich in 420 but other than that it looks pretty good. That beer’s been around for a while so I would not be suprised at all if it was all Cascade.
But would it be all at 60 minutes? Or should I split up the hop times? That’s what I was curious about. (I am a new to AG brewing)
A 60 minute addition is for bittering only. You will not get very much flavor and even less aroma if you go all 60 min. My guess is that beer uses a small 60 minute addition, a moderate amount of hops around the 20 minute and then additions at 10 and flame out. Cascade would be a good choice, or Centennial or a blend of both. I personally think they use hop extracts, but you should still be able to come up with a decent close.
right, I’d definitely use a recipe calculator (or do the math yourself) to bitter the beer to no more than 30 IBUs.