I for one do not, but I won’t hate anyone who does ;D

Do you like/use this acronym (She who must be obeyed)?
  • Yes
  • No
  • No Pants
0 voters

I personally think it is funny and shouldn’t be taken seriously when someone uses it. I get more of a chuckle at those who are offended by it then those who use it.  :wink:

I said “no,” but I guess that’s because my wife isn’t much of an authoritarian.  Neither of us are, really.  I realize the acronym is used in jest, but I guess it’s not my brand of humor.

Oh is that what that means?  I always thought it meant Single White Male Body Odor. :slight_smile:

I always thought it was kind of silly and reveals a rather spineless man, but that’s just my opinion.

That said, I wouldn’t expect her to use HWMBO and I would be kind of embarrassed if she did.

Hey now! I’m not offended. I just…I don’t know  :-[

I didn’t mean to imply you were. I personally don’t use it, but I don’t cast stones or judgement at those who do. That’s just kinda silly to do so.

I guess I always thought it was more of a reflection about how controlling some women can tend to be. My wife and I have a very balanced relationship but I can tell you that when she gets into “mom mode” she sometimes has to be reminded that I am not “one of the boys.”  ;)

I hope none of you were expecting pictures of my wife! Pervs!

I knew the “No Pants” option would get some hits this time ;D

I would use it to be funny eventhough there’s alot of truth to it.

+1 I’ve used it, but its always been in a ‘tongue in cheek’ way.  Its a partnership in my house.  If either party makes unreasonable demands, the other is quick to let them know and flat out refuse the demands.

i don’t take offense to it, however i also don’t find it very funny.  that’s just me though.

Personally I find the term to be just stupid.

Mind you… Not as stupid or gay sounding as say “KEGGLE” but stupid just the same

I always liked the term “keggle”.  :-\

I don’t think its to be taken literally. Well, maybe for a few it is…

How about KEEZER?!

how bout


Lets break it down. With the word keggle:

  1. You know it’s a kettle

  2. You know it’s a converted keg

  3. You know the size is 15.5 gallons.

and all with one word. How can that be gay?

My wife and I use it to refer to our cat :wink:

Isn’t that the muscle women exercise during lamaze class?    :smiley:

I don’t like or dislike. I know what it means when I read it, that’s about it.
Same as keggle, keezer, rims, herms, idk ymmv fwiw I don’t care either way.


It could imply  “Significant other who must be obeyed” My wife made it a point to say that
our wedding vows would not include the obey part. It didn’t bother me. I just see it as a
“I have to consider the feelings of my other half before I buy another brewery item.”

She is a pro at rolling her eyes when I say I need something else for the brewery.