I brew smaller batches (6.5L) and enjoy collecting recipes and study them to create my own version. As a result I have a lot of recipes, some from Brewfather’s library, some from other sites. As my library grows, so does the difficulty sorting through and finding recipes.
I suggested to Brewfather that they should incorporate tabs in the software. The reply was to use tags. That doesn’t do the job. Try searching for a Pilsner recipe and you get every recipe that has pilsner malt. Or search for Lager and get recipes for pilsner with NovaLager yeast. And so on.
The tabs would also be helpful to separate recipes I have brewed already. And those that I don’t like but don’t want to delete or archive outside the app.
Beersmith and Brewer’s Friend already have tabs or folders. Why is Brewfather so against it? I have tried all three and prefer Brewfather. Except for this.
I’d like to hear comments from others about whether I’m a small minority wanting this feature.