Tank #7

I don’t see it on the website. Boulevard’s Tank #7 Farmhouse Ale is: Grape-fruity. Peppery. Fruitfully sweet and hoppy. Golden pale with a long-lasting head. Dry finish. Saison? Much hoppier however me like.

I’ve sort of sworn off Belgian styles but this is one of the best Amer-Belgian brews consumed lately by myself. It’s paired well with the sliced sausage and 100% rye bread. Kinda rustic. Despite this it’s a heady intoxicant @ 8% ABV.

So share with a loved one over a simple meal.


I liked that beer when I tried it, but I hadn’t bought it in a while. Picked up a 4-pack the other day. I was really blown away by the foam stability, and rocky head, and the crazy amount of lacing on the glass.

I tried it on tap in St Louis and really loved it.  In fact, it sort of inspired me to try using the American Farmhouse yeast blend in a few beers.  Not saying that’s what they used but it seems similar.  But, I can’t get it here so I can’t say if I’m getting anything close to a clone. 
Very nice saison-esque beer.

I thought it was like a vamped up version of their old “saison” from the smokestack series (which I loved, BTW).  Tank 7 is a bit more powered up, but is also very good.

A friend of mine was working the Great British Beer Fest this year and Boulevard was on the American Bar which had me longing for something homegrown. They had #7 in 330ml bottles and I asked if he would grab some and bring it up to our neck of the woods.  It is easily my favorite American beer.  When I was back at my parents house this past October, it is hands down, my favorite beer. It just does everything right.

Same here. I was really inspired by it as well. White Labs 670 yeast is simply amazing.

Although I celebrate the whole Boulevard collection, Tank 7 is hands down my favorite. The whole smokestack series is awesome but this one is very special. I love the American interpretation of the traditional Belgian/French farmhouse and this one is at the top of my list!

Boulevard Saison Brett is their Tank 7 with dry hopping and Brett at bottling (i.e. Orval style). Try it if you like 670.

Saison Brett is really good. It’s hard to find, though.

I’m alsso rather partial to Tank 7, even though I thought it was a bit sweet at first, it grew on me… I like it even better as their Brett Saison which is Tank 7 with Brett in secondary. That’s a beauty right there.

I like it well enough. It’s in bottles all over the place down here, not hard to find. We were in helen, GA over the summer and one pub had it on draft by the Liter (which I thought was a little over the top.)

Nice beer overall, but nothing I pick up regularly.

I just picked up a saison-brett today.  I already know I like it, had it multiple, multiple times before. :smiley:

Just gotta say, Strange Brewing in Denver has a couple test batches of a new saison on tap called Juliette. It’s really similar to Tank 7 but comes in around 5.5%. Simply fantastic! I recommend any locals go try it ASAP!

Having this tonight in flutes. Had forgotten what a bad-ass beer Tank #7 is. Nice upfront homebrewesque hop bitterness.

Found it on draft yesterday, a fantastic beer!

Just cracked into a bottle of this. Damn, this is a good beer! Nose reminds me of an APA crossed with a phenolic hefe, and flavor is like a spicy Duvel with an herbal hop kick. And so easy to drink for such a big beer.

This is one of those moments when I think to myself “why the hell would anyone drink Bud Light when there is beer like this out there”.

+1.  A damn drinkable, interesting beer.

If Strange actually brewed a good beer I will have to go and try it. To bad they will probably serve it in shaker pint glasses  >:(

It’s a touch sweet but overall an excellent saison. It’s a beer I see overlooked at a lot of places.

Too true.

I enjoy it on tap at my local (if they haven’t run out), often thankful for the short walk home.

Saison Brett is also great - I love a touch of brett in my simple saisons!

this was in the last stack of samples from my distributor contact.  decided to move it up in the rotation and h ad it by the fire pit last night. i am not normally a fan of the belgian-ish type beers but this was good.  i was impressed at how extensive and creamy the foam is.  i thought it had a little sticky finish but okay.  not as sour to me as i expected (and happy about).  i certainly would not shy away from getting this one in a restaurant some time.