Got an issue I need help figuring out. Recently tapped a Pilsner that that was lagering for about 4 weeks on co2 at 33oF. Each time I pull a pint I get s spitting tap with a foamy pour for a few pints. I have noticed there appears to be co2 out of solution in the lines. My kegerator is set at 38oF, I have 10’ 3/16" Bev lines. It is a 4 tap set up, 3 of which on are a manifold tied to it’s own regulator set at 10psi. All other kegs pour perfectly fine and this keg has held beer and been tapped before with no issues and I have no leaks anywhere in the system.
This is the first lagered beer on co2 I have ever tapped though. It was on co2 at the same 10 psi as the kegerator is set to. My thought is my issue has to do with the temperature difference from lagering to going in the kegerator and the amount of co2 absorbed at the lower temp of lagering vs the temp of the kegerator, perhaps slightly over carbonated and now the co2 is coming out of suspension?
Am I on the right track and if so what is the best way to alleviate the issue or just live with it and learn for the next time?
I don’t think the over carbonation would be causing that, and it’s only a little over carbonated. My guess would be a clog or restriction of some type on the beverage sided. I have had hop bits stuck in the poppet that knocked CO2 out of solution.
That was my thought at first as well so I disconnected everything, pulled the dip tube and popits, checked the O-rings, flushed the lines and re-assembled, gave it a couple days to get equalized again and same thing happens. Besides, there was no dry hop or anything and the beer is crystal clear. The foam settles pretty quick so I’m not wasting beer, it just takes a bit to get a full pint, confused…
I have tapped many kegs of lager that have been lagering at 33 degrees on 12 lbs CO2 for several months. I have not experienced your problem. I also have 12 foot lines in a 38 degree kegerator. Did you try switching it up to one of your other lines? If it is the same, maybe it is just over carbed. Could be a little clog of some kind in the keg or facet.
If it is over carbed you could take it off the CO2 and vent it a few times. Once you get the right carbonation then connect it back to the CO2. Cheers!!!
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll try the line swap when I get home and see what happens. Otherwise I’ll try and deal with the possibility of over carbonation but I’m not convinced that’s it since it spits but it could be I guess.
So I did the line swap and the beer poured fine out of another tap, so I took apart the affected tap, the QD and bled the line again, cleaned with hot water, everything and put it back together again and wouldn’t ya know, same spitting with co2 bubbles coming into the line again after reassembly. Weird.
The only thing I can think is perhaps the old regulator I used is off a bit and the beer is in fact over carbonated even though I had it set at the same 10psi. It’s not that bad so I don’t think I’m going to go through the hassle of degassing it and starting over.
I like to have a valve between the regulator and the keg so that if it appears overcarbed I can shut off supply and just use the existing carbonation to push until it settles down. Meanwhile I might monkey with the pressure. You probably have something similar.
At this point it does seem like a carbonation issue. Or something in the diptube. Have you pulled that out yet?
This keg does run off a manifold so I could shut the gas off to this one keg, I might just do that and yes, the first thing I did was pull the tubes and poppits to make sure nothing was plugged or impeding flow.