Taproom travelers

Since everybody else is posting articles I figured I will join the party.

There is new web show that is called Taproom travelers.
They did the first episode in our taproom.

Show preview:

Preproduction meeting:

Actual Episode:

looks good Leos. seems like things are hopping at the lazy monk

That really is pretty amazing story Leos, and the space is gorgeous! Well done

I liked that. Looking at Google maps, not too far from my sisters. Hmmm.

It had been quite busy lately. If you are around, let me know.

Very cool Leos.  I need to visit family who live near there in the near future. I’m gonna make a stop by your place part of the trip.

Excellent episode Leos, gratz! Your taproom is gorgeous!


This just showed in my Facebook feed…

Gratz Thirsty!

Thank you for the article. Very nice.

headed to Chippewa next week - hope to see you soon!!

cool beans.

Sounds like a plan.