I just finished bottling my second batch of (hopefully) beer, and am now taking time to enjoy a bottle of my first batch.
The first batch was an Irish Red Ale (extract kit and partial boil). It is a little cloudy, but the taste is actually better than I thought it would be. It fermented a little hot and fast, around 70 -72 F, because I didn’t have proper temp control, but that is taken care of now.
When I racked my second batch, an Oatmeal Stout, from the fermenting bucket to the bottling bucket, I had about a half gallon of gunk left in the fermenting bucket. I didn’t have near that much stuff left on the first batch, should I be worried? I tasted the beer and it didn’t taste funky or anything other than flat and a bit watery. :-\
Without the recipe and your procedures it’s hard to say, but since I use a CFC getting that much trub in batch is not really that bad. It’s a lot, but not insane.
I’m guessing that the recipe contained oats, right? And I’ll also guess that the oats weren’t mashed, just steeped? If so, you’re seeing “oat gunk”. Steeping oats isn’t a good way to use them, but a lot of people have been doing it anyway for a long time. While there might be negative effects from using the oats down the road, as long as you keep the beer too long you should be fine.