I am in the process of converting a freezer into a keggerator and need some recommendations for a temperature control system. I also need temperature control for fermentation. Any suggestions? I see that Johnson controllers seem to have good reviews. I was also looking at the Controller III but couldn’t find any reviews on that one.
I have never used this temperature controller but the price is incredibly cheap.
^^^^^^ The stc-1000 at that price you can one for keezer.,one for femintation (it will heat when needed) and still have $ left over,well you do need to put it together… just follow this.
I have an stc 1000 and love it. Only downside is Celsius only. Corrected that issue with a quick table in excel taped to the wall next to the controller.
Ok, there is a second downside. Can’t set the differential for hot and cold independently. The freezer will sometimes take the beer to low and then the heater turns on to bring it up, then freezer, then heater. I would like to be able to set the heat to go on at twice the differential than the cold. But hey, it was $40 when complete.
I have several of the Johnson A-419 controllers and they have been rock solid. I do like the electronic readout and controls. I’ve seen several postings about the questionable reliability of the Ranco controllers and that swayed me from them.
I’ve also got an STC-1000 - which cost me $18, then another $12 in parts to build and wire it. Picked up a used chest freezer for $50, total cost: $80.00 for a fermentation chamber. As others have suggested, it only reads in Celsius, but it’s nothing more than a superficial inconvenience.
Haven’t needed to put a heat source in there since I have the freezer dialed to its lowest setting and only fluctuates a 1/2 degree.
I’m not liking the inconsistent readings from taping a temp probe insulated to the side of a carboy, doesn’t seem to read as warm as I’d expect, probably because it’s not near the center of the wort. I’ve got thermowells on order, those ought to be more accurate.
I’ve used the STC-1000 as well, and it doesn’t get much simpler. The only possible downside I can see it that it controls the temp to ± 0.3 degrees C (if I recall correctly). You could somewhat better than that with a PID controller, but at a higher cost in both time and money. Someone with more experience than I have will need to tell you if it would even matter, but I suspect not.
Some day I’d love to get a Brew Pi setup, but that’ll be purely for the joy of geeking out with all the tracking and automation.