Just wanted to say thanks again for all the comments and help. I wrapped a 5 gallon batch (Surly Furious clone) and everything went so smoothly. Brewing certainly gets easier the more you do it.
My OG came out right at the high end (1.068) of the recipe, so I suppose that’s better than the low end? It didn’t too great though, not sure if it should. I’m going to add some more dry hops once it goes into secondary next week.
This forum has helped me also with brewing better beer. I think this forum has helped just as much, if not more, than any brewing book that I’ve read. A great resource with an array of knowledge.
Man, I totally agree. The collective knowledge and experience on this site is just fantastic. There’s not an ingredient, technique, temp, style, etc. that dozens of people haven’t used. And dozens of different approaches and ideas to get to (hopefully) the same end result. I feel really dumb for waiting so long to get on the forum.
As long as the final gravity is in-line with what is expected, the slightly higher OG will result in a slightly higher ABV - not a bad problem to have, me thinks!
That range is under 0.5% ABV difference. No impact on beer character. Actually, it’s nice to see a recipe with a range since the since different systems have different efficiencies. It’s more realistic.
There are other forums out there but you probably get the quickest and sincerest responses on the AHA. Often within several minutes of posting a topic.
This is the only forum I regularly follow anymore. You can ask total beginner’s questions without fear of ridicule. You can ask high level questions and you’ll get high level answers. Also, the mods do a great job on the forum.
I also think the signal/noise ratio is the best here of all the homebrew forums. I trust the posters here more than the other forums I’ve been to as well.
I so agree with these sentiments. I brewed 4 extract batches before I even tried to look on internet for info. I had read Palmer a year before my first batch, and thought if I just referenced it while reading kit instructions I would be fine. So glad I joined the AHA and this forum. Everyone’s input has helped to brew better beer for my last 2 batches. Thanks again and good brewing to y’all