The best copliment I've ever gotten

I have a 20 year old daughter. She is in college and has had a series of terrible boyfriends (drugs, crime, etc). About a year ago she started dating a new guy. We were skeptical, but her sister claimed he was “a really nice guy”. We met him very briefly about a month ago, and then yesterday we took them both to lunch, just to get to know him a little better. This kid is not exactly like me, but he’s real close. Light hair, light skin, just like me. Easy going, doesn’t say much, just like me (especially at 21). And, he brews his own beer! Just like me. Apparently his family lives close to the campus so he can get there a lot. His dad brews too and they have a yard full of hops. We were laughing about it the entire ride back home. I’m sure it won’t last forever, but I’m glad she is finding out what a normal, decent boyfriend is like. And she gets free beer!

Gee, I was thinking you look like Don Corleone for some reason…

That why you never go against the family…

If my daughter was dating someone just like me I’d shoot him.




You guys are rough. :))

Yeah, if my daughter were dating someone like Keith, I’d shoot him too! :wink:

Ya, but you’d only wing him.  You wouldn’t want the brewery to close down.  ;D

[quote]If my daughter was dating someone just like me I’d shoot him.


As Mr. Miyagi said (repeatedly) in The Next Karate Kid, “Boys much easier!”

+1  Less likely to get pregnant, more likely to go to prison. :wink:

If I was winged the brewery would still shut down!

Plenty more breweries would remain to take it’s place  ;D

I had been dating my current girlfriend for a year before I realized that I have am a lot like her dad. So after listening to her rant about how much she can’t stand her dad, I volunteered the info that I thought him and I are very similar. She gave me the look and said very dryly “I know.” We have never spoke of it again.