So I got my Barley Crusher today when home at lunch. I had just enough time to run about 1.5 pounds of malt through it before I had to go back to work. Would like to post a couple of pics of what the crush looks like so that you can tell me what you think. It is an adjustable mill and I did not do any type of tinkering with it. How do you load pics on the forum so that I can show you guys what it looks like.
No unbroken husks, I thought it looked good. It was just suprising how much different it looked. The reason I bought the mill in the first place is because I had a feeling the crush from the LHBS wasn’t up to par. Probably why I had not been hitting my target gravity’s
I think I need to do so. Used my new Barley Crusher on Monday and got a crush like the one posted. Not pleased with my efficiency, but I am consistent.
If I get the same efficiency on my next batch I will double crush and see what happens. That was how I set the BC gap the last time I did it. Set gap, 2 brews, double crush, brew, adjust