The Crush

So I got my Barley Crusher today when home at lunch. I had just enough time to run about 1.5 pounds of malt through it before I had to go back to work. Would like to post a couple of pics of what the crush looks like so that you can tell me what you think. It is an adjustable mill and I did not do any type of tinkering with it. How do you load pics on the forum so that I can show you guys what it looks like.

You need to host them someplace like picassa or photobucket. Once loaded, use the Mona Lisa button on the reply/message screen to add the link.

I think you used the wrong link. There should be an option for a link that ends in jpg.

So I might just unplug the computer and throw it. You do just highlight the URL and place in between the   right?

Try right clicking and selecting copy image URL. the image below is from my Google Photos

Thanks Steve. I was just shocked at how much more powdery the grain was vs. what its like from the LHBS

You did it!

That crush looks pretty good. Lots of large husk material to act as a filter. Are there any unbroken grains?

No unbroken husks, I thought it looked good. It was just suprising how much different it looked. The reason I bought the mill in the first place is because I had a feeling the crush from the LHBS wasn’t up to par. Probably why I had not been hitting my target gravity’s

I crush a lot finer than that.  Depends on your system, though.

I think I need to do so.  Used my new Barley Crusher on Monday and got a crush like the one posted.  Not pleased with my efficiency, but I am consistent.

That box label is open to misinterpretation.  Just saying.

I don’t imagine there’s different cups for the Asian kids, etc.

That is why it is so great. That apostrophe makes it sound segregationist.

Yeah, the whole “We’re having Grandma for dinner” thing.  Cheers to punctuation.

I recently opened my gap up from .032" to .035" and started double crushing. I like the results better and efficiency didn’t change.

If I get the same efficiency on my next batch I will double crush and see what happens. That was how I set the BC gap the last time I did it. Set gap, 2 brews, double crush, brew, adjust

The Panda eats shoots and leaves.
The Panda eats, shoots, and leaves.