Liberal- believes that batch sparging is best even if and you have to buy more grain, which is fine because he only has $7 invested in his equipment
Conservative- believes fly sparging is best because corporate breweries do it, plus at 99% efficiency you don’t have to buy extra grain, which is good because he’s making payments on a new false bottom.
Libertarian- believes that in a perfect brewery you should be able to sparge anyway you want to, or not even sparge at all. Oh, and it’s not infected, its funky.
The P word makes people nervous here. But just poking fun at brewers…
Green - uses a single old pot that was acquired at a yard sale to avoid having to buy new plastic equipment. Mashes in a fair trade organic cotton bag and sparges with a wooden ladle. The bag has a few small holes, but it doesn’t matter because a few grains in the boil make it more natural.
I’m proud to be a Libertarian no-sparger. You can sparge however the hell you want, as long as I’m not footing the bill for your new brewery or subsidizing your grain.
I’m not a member of a club, but I imagine that club brews would go down like a Marxist society. You all bring a different ingredient, and we’ll brew it here. Then I’ll decide who gets to drink it, how much of it, and when.