The Recipe for Coca Cola (well, maybe).

Your tax dollars at work. God I love NPR:

RECIPE, Coca Cola. Makes a 5-gallon batch.

6 Drams USP fluid extract of cocoa
6 oz citric acid
2 oz caffeine
60 pounds sugar (!)
5 gallons water
4 pints lime juice
2 ounce vanilla
3 ounces caramel
1 ounce flavor 7X (recipe follows)

7X Secret formula, makes -5 gallons- so you’ll probably want to scale down
8 oz food grade alcohol (PGA works too)
20 drops orange oil
30 drops lemon oil
10 drops nutmeg oil
5 drops coriander oil
10 drops neroli oil
10 drops cinnamon oil

60 pounds of sugar is like 10 gallons by volume (Approximate) unless my math is wrong.

Also I think that’s extract of Coca rather than cocoa (nose candy vs chocolate candy)

But that is very cool. Kind of makes me want to make some. Hard to find extract of coca these days (Well, at least legally) Have to find a dentist that loves soda ALOT!

Years ago I almost made this: OpenCola.

However I would try lecithin instead of gum arabic.

I seem to remember a rumor that there is only one legal importer/processor of coca in the US, and it’s in New Jersey somewheres not too far from here. Probably just a local legend, though.

Edit: Well, Wikipedia says it’s true. Stepan Company - Wikipedia

They were mentioned in the radio story as taking the cocaine out, and the processed stuff is then in Coke.
The story said that the drink from this recipe was not a clone of Coke, as they did a taste test.

My understanding of Coca and cocaine is that there is some serious processing
involved to make the coca extract cocaine. Think along the lines of saying Pseudodephrine (sp?)
and Meth…

The locals in Colombia chew coca leave to ease hunger and I think there is some caffeine in there…

…but don’t take my word for it.

Heh, heh, heh…  lucky ting I go camping dis weekend, ya?  :wink: