While not travel per se, it does involve a journey of sorts. While walking to/from work each day, I see plenty of the detritus the lower classes (and I only mean lower class in that they’re lowlife enough to toss their empties out the window) leave on the side of the road and it’s almost all Bud Light, Miller Lite, and, with our large immigrant population, Modelo Especial, with an occasional Icehouse or Steel Reserve throw in. This morning, though, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Sierra Nevada bottle laying there on the side of the road. Does that mean that now even the litterbug type folks are getting into craft beer?
It just means that people who appreciate better beer are capable of littering
Last year I was out on the public lands in winter,
visiting the areas that the sheep herds had just recently been taken off.
There, at the top of the hill where the sheep herder had sat to gaze off across the flock
was a Mendicino Brewing Black Hawk Stout bottle.
I was convinced that the picture on the bottle was the reason he bought it. ;D
It must have fallen off the back of their mountain bike on the way home from the trails?