Looks pretty cool, reminds me of Brewing Local but with an emphasis on 1 gallon at-home batches. I really like 1-gallon fermentation experiments, and I wish I saw more of this content.
Last fall I was able to get access to fresh local apple cider from the farmers market. My “recipe” was to pour it in a sanitized 1 gallon glass fermentor, shake it up, add 1/2 tsp of pectic enzyme, and a few grams of US-05 and let it sit on the kitchen counter. After a few weeks I racked to a 2 gallon corny-style keg. Those couple batches definitely had a very high enjoyment:effort ratio. Out of curiosity I entered it into Hoppy Halloween this past October and got a 31 from a grand master IV BJCP judge: definitely not too shabby for 15 minutes of work.
Anybody else have any low-effort 1 gallon country-wine-type favorites?
Years ago I used to enjoy ginger beer from a recipe in an old (like 1960ish) homebrew book I got in England in the 80s. I lost the book somewhere along the way, but recall the outlines. I combined water, white sugar, a couple of inches of ginger minced, the zest of a lemon, and some yeast nutrient, brought to a boil, strained, cooled, and added dry ale yeast. The instructions were to wait until you guessed it was safe to bottle (this is old school homebrewing!) and put it into small screw top bottles of the sort single serve mixers like club soda or tonic come in. Quickly loosen and retighten the caps daily to make sure you have no bottle bombs, and drink when you’re tired of waiting. It was spicy, delicious, refreshing, and if anybody thinks they have a more accurate version of this I’d like to try it again in the heat of summer!