The worst things

So I was brewing in my back yard today. Sunny, hot, then some sprinkles. Those went away. I pitched my hops 30 min, 10 min, flame out. Start to crash the wort.

Here comes the rain! Not bad at first. I cover the pot, put a towel over the top because the lid is blocked by the wort chiller. Try’s to avoid having rain get inside.

Here comes he hail!  Temp reads 95*. Start yelling obscenities. Panic. Put foil over the sanitized carboy hole. Rain and hail doesn’t let up. Decide to transfer immediately. Move beer inside, LCD temp display says 86-90. Empty lagering fridge, put beer inside. 2.5 hours later, temp reads 79*.

Still haven’t pitched my yeast.  Just finished cleaning as the rain has stopped (7 hours after I started)

Taking bets on wheather or not this beer gets effed in any way.

Other than that, what temp can I pitch a farm house ale strain? Built the starter from dregs. Was going to pitch in the low 70s.

If i would have started brewing 30 minutes earlier, I would have been fine.

I often cool as well as possible then rack to fermenter and let the refrigerator do the rest. Sometimes I wait until the next morning to pitch.

I’ll bet the beer turns out great.

I’m more worried about the rain water causing problems. A few times I have used my refrigerator or let the beer crash to my houses ambient temp. I just don’t like running he hose for a long duration to crash, to goes by much quicker in the winter time when it’s coming out the faucet at 50*.

Only a few times have I waited to pitch the yeast, and usually it’s when the wort is still really high.