This Full Moon

Riddle me this Batman:

What is the significance of this full moon; the first full moon after the spring equinox?

(aside from the fact that I’ll be doing another spirit run overnight in the moonlight)

Planters moon? The opposite of harvest moon. I know they all have names. But I
don’t know them all.


[u]The Merrie Monarch Festival[/u] begins on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring equinox. (next Sunday)

Euge is correct, this is also when Easter occurs.  This year is significant because it is almost as late as Easter can ever be in the year.  The last full moon (remember the perigee full moon?) occured just 28 hours prior to equinox, and the first full moon after the equinox occured on a Sunday.  So, it is possible for Easter to only be one day later in the year than it is this year (this is why Mardi Gras was so late this year too).

Be that as it may, the full moon tonight, here in the last time zone, is amazingly beautiful - beauty full.   :wink:

It screwed up our Lent a bit Easter being so late. Our week long fiesta to celebrate Texas independence had to be thrown a week early instead of after Easter. Not so many people sticking to their observances this year I suspect. Not with all those turkey legs to eat and beer to drink and parades to watch.

The other state that was once a country…


Texas and Hawaii are the two states that were independant countries before becoming part of the USA.

California likes to think of itself as an independant country, but it is part of Mexico.  ;D


Touche’  ;D

Except for those 26 days in 1846…

“… Declared during the Mexican–American War, the “republic” was a popular revolt; the participants never formed a government, and the republic was never recognized by any nation. The revolt lasted 26 days, at the end of which the U.S. Army took control of the area…”

Don’t forget Vermont. It was a republic before anyone else. 1st republic 14th state.

That was more of a spat with New York than being a sovereign nation.  The intent was always to be the “Fourteenth Star.”

NY and NH were fighting over who would own VT. VT decided to own itself. Until 1999 we had an option to cecede so it wasn’t purely a go for the 14th star.

It ended in 1999?  What’s all this talk of a Second Vermont Republic?

I have always suspected that the right to Secede thing was a myth anyway and I have never been able to find any thing definitive about it. but there has long been a strong Secessionist movement in VT. It’s a fun thought but I doubt anything would come of it. It’s just a really different culture than in much of america. It is the only state with no mcdonalds in the capital and there is a law against billboards. The house just passed a single payer healtcare bill too. First state to officially allow same sex unions, Although we kind of wimped out with ‘civil unions’ instead of marriage but…

So the movement didn’t stop but the (possibly mythical) constituional right to Secede did.

don’t forget the short lived Conch Republic in the FL Keys which declared independance from the USA in the early '80s

It’s still there.  I am a Conch Republic Ambassador, and have the license plate to prove it!  (Like everything else in the Keys, it’s a state of mind)

And I thought everyone in Key West was saying “Cock Republic”…

You know, because of all the roosters.

Uhh huhh. Roosters indeed.  More like the bears. :wink: