This is a new one

Ok I had an appointment cancel today so I figured it was a perfect opportunity to brew my 80/- that I didn’t get to this weekend. Went ahead with a single decoction to mashout and a 1G of first runnings kettle carmelization (simple grain bill: 97% Eng. Pale Ale, 3% roasted barley), and I think the decoction gave me rockstar efficiency again on the BIAB. I calculated @ 84%.

Anyway, I had to add water volume to the kettle to maintain my BU:GU ratio, and had about a half gallon of extra wort. I thought it would be a great simple way to get my 3711 French Saison started. Pitched a non-swollen smack pack into 1.5L or so of 1.055 80/-, thinking it was not hoppy, and relatively session strength, with some trub for yeast nutrient.

Not seeing much activity 3+ hours later, usually I see a big krausen in an hour or so.

So, a n00b like question from me: I am hoping this starter will still start, but could it be that its a dextrinous malt (mashed around 158*), or higher gravity, or did I perhaps ruin my precious French Saison Yeast?? Blah!

RDWHAHB and check back tomorrow.  I’m sure you are fine.


^^^^^ That’s the answer.

Agree with those who said just give it some more time.

In the future, you might want to dilute that wort as 1.055 is higher than recommended for a starter.  It’s usually recommended that starter wort be between 1.030 and 1.040.

Yup. I don’t worry over much about lag times.

What was the date on the smack pack?