This week, APA house recipe search tweak #3

Again, it’s apparent that simplicity is key. I’m getting closer to what I envision.

Try #3 will be

10# Maris Otter
2# crystal 10
Mashed at 154° 90 min

60 min boil
1.5 oz Centennial FWH
1.5 oz Cascade 15 min
Wirlfloc and WY nutrient

WY1056 re-start
67° fermentor for approx 21 days

2 oz Willamette dry in keg 6 days
Gel clarify at 35° 3 days while carbing

Simple is good!  My house recipe is real similar to your except that I use 2-row and Crystal 20 and a little munich.  I recently made an experimental change by removing the Munich and splitting the base as 50% 2 ro and 50% MO.  I really liked the results and may keep this change.  Looking forward to how your MO based APA turns out.

I’ve been working on my IPA, APA, and Blonde all summer. I’d like them solid on their own but also end up with three clearly different beers. Kind of like primary colors in my keg palate

Simple is the best way to go…except for when it’s not!  :wink:

Very wise words

What is the biggest difference between Maris Otter and 2-row? Any styles where MO is clearly an inappropriate choice?

To my tastes, MO brings a bunch more flavor to the party. Best way I can explain it is to imagine what 10% more pale would do if it didn’t increase the alcohol or sweetness. Some say it’s more bready or crackery or toasty but I don’t like to imagine bread or crackers in my beer.
I think it’s probably good in anything

Maris Otter can be described as biscuit/nutty/toasty whereas a standard 2-row pale malt will usually be mildly grainy with a hint of sweetness.

I would not use MO in a number of styles, but that is all personal preference. I’ve known some people to think it is even inappropriate at 100% in APAs, but I quite enjoy it.

Excellent. Thanks!

I hate to be a stick in the mud so don’t take it that way, but…

Life can still get a whole lot simpler.  You can mash at about 150 F for 40 minutes instead of your schedule and get identical results.  You should also be able to skip the yeast nutrient.  And you can use a pack of US-05, which is almost the same as 1056, and thus skip having to make a yeast starter for the 1056.

Personally I would also kick up the Crystal to 40 or 60, but that’s really just personal preference – Crystal 10 will be great too.

I use 40 in my IPA. I like my APA around 8srm and love the aroma of fresh milled 10. Not very scientific but it’s the madness to my method.

I have one pack of 05 for emergency. I stick with 1056 to have some amount of fun lol. Gotta justify my stir plates.

What’s a stir plate?  :wink: