I know you have some thoughts on this years draft, lets hear them, my Packers haven’t picked yet because they have kicked everyones butt with one arm tied behind their back, it is only 9:30 CDT right now. Good to see some teams can draft some good players. Good luck to your teams. Lets hear some smack but KEEP IT CLEAN!
Green Bay needs Ryan Williams
I didnt watch the news today I was at werk. From the title I thought it was
Vietnam all over again. Ur uncle needs yer help…lol :-\
kinda liking the Jags trading up for Blaine Gabbert - just a few weeks ago, many of the idiots, er, I mean draftniks had him no. 1 - maybe he’s the real deal? time will tell.
Don’t worry Vert you are too damn old like me for that crap! Sleep easy old men.
I’m glad you are a Jags fan Blatizie
I was thinking this was either conscription or keg beer! ;D