Tilt version 2, Williams Mash and Boil version 1 for sale Long Island, NY

I have been told to avoid drinking beer by my doctor. I have gout and beer is one of the worst things to consume when you have gout. I’ll be selling all of my equipment. For now I’m just listing 2 things to avoid a huge long list.

  1. Tilt Hydrometer Version 2 ( it has a much longer battery life than the original) 75.00  (I can mail this.)

  2. Williams “Mash and Boil” version 1. 100.00. (local pick up only)

They both work perfectly.
I’ll consider offers.

Which color is the Tilt?

I think duplicate colors is no longer an issue. The software (TILT PI) now adds the MAC address to the color to deconflict the name.

But, I can’t find that documented anywhere on the website. So, maybe I’m crazy.

It’s a Blue Tilt. I used it once and it’s still in the original tube that it was shipped in.