Yesterday I kegged my Pliny clone. It tastes and smells incredible. I did the first round of dry hopping in the secondary buckets with whole, loose hops. The final dry hop addition will be done in the kegs. I zip tied a hop sock over the intake of the sipon tube to keep the hops out of the keg. I was very frustrated to experience lots of tiny bubbles in the siphon tube that I wasn’t able to choke out. It seemed to start out OK but build gradually and then got rediculous particularly in the second keg. Is this from the hop sock and/or the resulting flow restriction?
All I know is that i much prefer the idea of using whole loose hops to socks when I can. However, I certainly don’t wan’t to ruin a flippin delicious batch of beer by oxygenating it. Anybody else experience this issue or have a better method that does not produce the blasted tiny bubbles?
If the bubbles are caused by the filter bag than it’s not o2 just co2 coming out of solution. If there is an air leak in one of the connections between syphon tube and flexible tubing than there is concern. Get a tighter fitting flexible tube to avoid this.
Man have I been hoping somebody would say that! My rational brain was trying to tell me that was the case, but my paranoid brain was freaking out thinking that a really solid effort was being oxidized. The bubbles were coming up from the sipon tube so I’m not worried about my connection. So I guess my challenge is to come up with an effective dry hop filter.