To re-pitch WLP 838 again?

I used a new vial of WLP 838 Southern German Lager yeast to make a starter and pitched it into a 5.2% Munich Helles.  Then I harvested the slurry and held it in the fridge for 2+ weeks.  I made a new starter and pitched into a 7% Helles Bock.  I plan to do another 5.5% lager next, should I re-pitch the yeast after the 7% Helles Bock?  I’m not sure what it’s limits are, but 7% dosn’t sound too high for a second generation does it?

If you make a new starter you should have no issue.  Common thought is that repitching from a higher to lower gravity is not a good ideabecasue the yeast is used to a higher alcohol environment.  I have always pitched from lower to higher so I don’t know if this is really an issue.

You should be good,  a touch over the norm, but you should be good.


Thanks for the reply.  There will be a 2-3 week time between batches so I will do a good 1.030 starter again to wake it up gently.

that should work really well.