Today's brewing disaster...

Perhaps there should be a running thread where people can post what disaster they had on their brewing day?

Today mine was setting the propane hose on fire…  ??? Maybe it was just old? The burner was over 10 years old.  I walked away for just a moment (how many stories start like that?) and I hear this scary swishing sound and look back to see flames shooting up from the side of my burner. I cut the gas off. The hose is partially melted.  Good excuse to get a new burner, huh? Which I promptly did. Maybe the beer gods didn’t want me brewing today?

Wow, that’s scary.  I think the new burner is a good idea.

Could have been dry rot on your regulator hose, too. Time for a banjo cooker or a Blichmann!

Well I picked up one Home Depot had. It’s not bad and a third of the price of a Blichmann…but man those are sweet, eh?  You’re probably right about dry rot. It’s 12 years old and has been kept mostly in a very hot garage that whole time.

I had the hose on my turkey frier burner catch fire at Big Brew last year when somebody moved my tank, pushing the hose up against one of the legs of the burner. The rubber melted and it flamed up.  That was a scary moment.  A buddy turned a hose on the the flaming hose while I closed the valve on the tank.

I was able to get the hose replaced for less than twenty bucks.  Even after you get your new burner, getting the hose replaced will increase your options.

I thought about just replacing the hose but after [u]my last disaster[/u] some of the holes were clogged making the flame uneven…it’s too bad Home Depot doesn’t sell Blichmanns though!  :smiley:

Always have a fire extinguisher nearby before lighting the burner.
A garden hose (turned on) with a nozzle (or a shut off valve on the end of the hose) is always good to have nearby as well.  Spills happen, and if water or wort >140F gets on your body, you will want to get it off quickly and cooled down ASAP.  Some of us brew near our pools. :smiley:


Great advice!..I keep a fire extinguisher in my brewery.  Better safe than sorry is my motto.

+1 my fire extinguisher is mounted on the wall in my garage for just this reason.  It was a gift from my daughter when she observed a brew day way back when.  Smart Kid - she starts her PhD work in the fall.

Be safe, all.  Messages like this one should make everyone check their burner setups closely at least annually and then a quick check before brewing.

So, not that smart then :slight_smile: