Here is the recipe I used, which sticks very close to Tomme’s recipe in “Brew Like a Monk”, and brewing notes including my approach to adding raisins, Tomme’s “secret ingredient” in the recipe, based on research as well as other member posts, plus basic creativity given ingredients on hand.
I decided to leave it as an 11-gallon batch recipe, since the ingredients fall into easy amounts at this size, again, while still remaining true to the published recipe.
I have brewed this a couple times before using WY 1214. This time I split the batch into two fermenters, one using WY1214 (Chimay), the other using WY3787 (Westmalle). I shoulda, coulda, woulda kicked it up a wee notch on ferment temps, but as done it still yielded two tasty beers.
Tomme Arthur’s Dubbel
A ProMash Brewing Session Report
Batch Size (Gal): 11.00 Wort Size (Gal): 11.00
Total Grain (Lbs): 29.45
Anticipated OG: 1.070 Plato: 17.15
Anticipated SRM: 19.9
Anticipated IBU: 15.6
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70 %
Wort Boil Time: 110 Minutes
Actual OG: 1.071 Plato: 17.28
Actual FG: 1.013 Plato: 3.32
Alc by Weight: 6.00 by Volume: 7.68 From Measured Gravities.
ADF: 80.8 RDF 67.4 Apparent & Real Degree of Fermentation.
Actual Mash System Efficiency: 77 %
% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
60.3 17.75 lbs. Pilsener Germany 1.038 2
8.5 2.50 lbs. Wheat Malt Belgium 1.038 3
6.8 2.00 lbs. Belgian Dark Candi Syrup D2 Belgium 1.032 80
6.8 2.00 lbs. Aromatic Malt Belgium 1.036 17
4.1 1.20 lbs. Munich Malt Belgium 1.038 6
3.4 1.00 lbs. Biscuit Malt Belgium 1.035 19
3.4 1.00 lbs. CaraMunich Malt Belgium 1.033 60
3.4 1.00 lbs. Honey Malt Canada 1.030 17
3.4 1.00 lbs. Special B Malt Belgian 1.030 148
Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.
Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
0.90 oz. Styrian Goldings Pellet 5.50 11.1 90 min.
0.60 oz. Liberty Pellet 3.74 4.6 60 min.
Amount Name Type Time
9.00 Oz Raisins (dark) Fruit 7 Min.(boil)
1.25 Tsp Wyeast Yeast Nutrient Other 12 Min.(boil)
1.50 Unit(s)Whirfloc Fining 7 Min.(boil)
Wyeast 1214 Belgian Abbey Yeast (one fermenter)
Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity (other fermenter)
Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Single Step
Heat Type: Direct
Qts Water Per Lbs Grain: 1.60
Saccharification Rest Temp: 152 Time: 70
Sparge Temp: 168 Time: 10
Efficiency Specifics
Recipe Efficiency Setting: 70%
Actual Mash System Efficiency: 77%
Fermentation Specifics
Days In Primary: 15
Pitched at 64F
Due to minimal fermenter headspace because of higher than expected wort yield,
to minimize blow-off, I maintained 67F first 3 days, and then ramped up
to 72F over next 6 days. I recommend going hotter than that!
Held at 72F for another 6 days until reached terminal gravity.
Fermentation Notes
Probably best to keep fermenting beer below 75F during the first 72 hrs of ferment to avoid fusels,
and best to use extra headspace in fermenter and anti-foam drops. But beware of boring beer
when maintaining low ferment temps, unless you like your Belgians really “clean”.
Subsequent temps of I’d guess 74F and above yield more ester/phenol character and balance.
I separated the two fermenters after about 24 hrs to dial-in temps to accomodate the
different yeasts.
Used Fermcap to reduce blow-off, but still got a fair amount with the 1214 (Chimay).
With the 3787 (Westmalle) be careful as it can permanently stall held below 66F and/or
due to temp controlling with a big/low swing.
I kegged a little early following a 15-day ferment; could have left in primary ~65F
following reaching terminal gravity for an additional 2 weeks to better clean up wort
and drop yeast. But I needed my ferment chamber for another brew!
Other Notes
Raisin Caramelize and Puree: In large hot metal frying pan started them (9
oz fresh dark Sun Maids) with my delicious well-aged cherry port, and then
added 1 cup wort, and finished with more port, using entire split. Determined
it would have been better to start caramelization with wort, since the port
evaporated very quickly at the high heat. The raisins
caramelized well with the wort addition and then more port at med high - high,
but be very careful not to let them burn. Added to blender and needed
about 4 - 5 oz brandy (I used E&J VSOP) to provide enough liquid to puree.
I pureed very well, knowing that I would later be running wort through a
strainer when transferring to fermenters. Added puree to kettle immediately
after stirring in D2, last 7 minutes of the boil.
Almost no puree was strained out at transfer to fermenters.
Tasting Notes
At kegging, both were full of flavor, but lacking a little of phenols and esters due to
the too cool ferment.
The 1214 was a bit fruitier and expressive.
Tonight sampling a glass from the 2 liters extra blended beer (mostly from the Westmalle batch)
carbonated with Carbonator Cap, it is a tad sweet, no off flavors, with dried fruit, alcohol,
caramel. Very nice, if a little lacking in the “Belgian-y” character. Very nice body and mouthfeel.