Took a small shower...

Had a very productive day today as I brewed my Wheach for the summer and kegged up a new pale ale that I added 3oz of Nelson to the keg to dry hop.

Reminder to self: be sure liquid post poppet is properly seated prior to purging keg and sealing lid! Yup, took it full on in the face, now cleaning up the brewery and kegerator:(

The wife is still hysterically laughing…

Ha ha.

was carbonating through the liquid side one time and disconnected my gas line from the tanks (kent lock). Hose whipped and sprayed like a cartoon firehose. Felt like one of the stooges.

Now that would have been funny to see for sure!

I definitely felt like an idiot but had to laugh at myself as well after a few choice exclamations as I started mopping

Ive heard of pouring one out for your dead homies but spraying a keg up is new to me  ;D

Was doing a closed transfer from my primary carboy to keg, and I accidentally snapped my plastic racking cane at the top of the bend.  Since the beer was under pressure, IPA was shooting out the top like a fountain.  Needless to say, my family members heard a few choice words that afternoon… :o