Torrified Wheat

Added in low amounts, what effect would torrified wheat have vs regular wheat malt ?


It wouldn’t make much of a difference. In modest amounts, wheat is wheat.


Thank You !

Online it was noticed that Torrified Wheat had no option to crush.
Do I use as is ? Needs to be crushed ? If so,why would it be sold with no option to crush ?
I have no normal way to crush, other than a rolling pin or food processor/blender.

Thanks, confused

Torrified wheat has been gelatinized but not malted, so it needs to be mashed with base malts to convert it’s starches, but not crushed further.

Torrefied wheat is a whole grain that has been “cooked” to gelatinize, but not opened up like a flaked product, so it still needs to be crushed with the rest of the grist.

Its my understanding the grain “pops”, “cracks open”, when cooked ?

No.  But it is easily broken up in the mill.

To clarify my question.
What I meant by “cooked” was not the mash, but
the high heat used in the process for torrified wheat.
Is the answer still No ?

Yes, it’s still no… :slight_smile:

Yes, still no.  The grains are intact, looking very much like raw wheat, but gelatinized and friable, so they need to be broken up in the mill.  Unlike raw or even malted wheat, they can easily be run through with the barley malt.

I do seem to recall that some decades ago, when torrefied wheat was unavailable to US homebrewers, some book or another fancifully (but quite ignorantly) declared that torrefied wheat was made just like puffed wheat breakfast cereal.  Apparently the echoes of this misinformation still resound.

Luckily, I’m only dealing with one pound of Torrified Wheat.
I’ll crush with a wooden rolling pin.

Sorry for the wrong answer - I stand corrected.  I guess I have never used it…just malted or flaked wheat, crushing the malted wheat and just stirring in the flaked wheat.  I crushed red wheat also, but found its smaller size to require a separate tighter mill gap crush to break it up.  Not sure if torrified wheat will require a different mill gap.  I defer to those who have used it.

Thanks, the reason asked-
I order online (between the big two) shortly before brewing, sometimes a couple brews ahead,
exact amounts, always crushed.  I don’t have a grain mill
,and for some reason torrified wheat had no option to be delivered crushed.
Perhaps it is already crushed, although the site says nothing to that effect.
Time will tell when items are received.

Again , I have no experience with this, but the processing to terrify the wheat would seem to break it down into easier crushing, so have a go with a rolling pin or mallet, sandwiching the grain between a bottom and top layer of plastic film or wax paper.  Good luck and consider using rice hulls to avoid a stuck mash.