Shipping our Saison de Noel today. It’s a little under carbbed so I am having to pull a quarter pint out of each one and force carbonate. I can’t drink all this beer by myself. But darnit I’m gonna give it a shot.
Meh, I only ended up drinking about a pint and a half. I suddenly remembered it was Tuesday and I had to take my son to cub scouts. Nap.was nice though.
This is what I sent out for the handbill. I’d love to age this in a dark rum or bourbon bbl next year! ;D
Saison de Noel is our first annual Christmas release. This is a high
gravity black saison laced with subtle Christmas spices. Belgian spice
is prominent in the nose along with notes of chocolate and espresso.
The pallet is smooth with hints of dark, tart fruits blended with
semi-sweet chocolates and finishes with mellow roast character and
alcoholic warmth. Available December 22nd. ABV 9.8%
I knew you would secretly love the term “weazletoish”. ;D
Sounds really good! What a business you are in, cheers to the explosion.
I bet we could all could drink pallets of that stuff. Srsly, all in sincere constructive pointers.
Wow, it truly is amazing the amount and diversity of crafty brew offerings
across this reborn brewing nation. 8)
Nah, they could go hand-in-hand. “Pragmatic” is the antithesis of “weazletoish.” Although I think the better spelling/pronunciation would be “Weazletoian” or “Weazeltoique”
Oh man… just when I was really enjoying our antagonistic forum positions, you had to bring Scouts into it.
I have great respect for a parent who allows their son to be a part of Scouting. If it works for your son, there is not much that is better. I highly recommend becoming a Scout leader. It’s even better than being a Scout.
Tuesday nights are when we meet too.
As a firm believer in the K.I.S.S. philosophy. I suggest “weazish.”
Weazish, for me, with its -ish suffix, indicates a half-hearted attempt at weazletoisms. You are only partially weazletoique, therefore you are weazish.
I was Senior Patrol leader in troop 60 in Shiremanstown PA. We met Monday nights. ;) was only one merit badge and my eagle project away from getting my eagle. I so regret not doing that. But I had a reputation as a partier to uphold and didn’t want my name in the paper. : So stupid, kids are.
I’ll probably volunteer as an assistant leader when he is in Boy Scouts. But I’m going to kick back for the cub scout years. I have too much on my plate right now as it is.
Thanks man! This year is going to be lots of fun because we are putting in place a 10 bbl brewery (with a 15 bbl MT and BK for high gravity beer! :D) and I am keeping my current system online so I will be able to run anywhere between 1bbl and 2.7bbl batches on the side, which I plan on doing every week or every other week depending. Lots of pilot batches, can’t wait! Keeping that homebrewing spirit!