just thinking through recipes ive seen over the years, and just checking kai’s recipes page - other than obviously vienna lager, does anyone have any references on the use of vienna malt??
its late at night and i might check ron pattinsons stuff on this or the daft eejit austrian guy’s page, but i feel that more officially sourced grists from german and european breweries for various beers use a majority various pilsners, various munich percentages, but cant recall any claimed use of vienna malt. i see it included on a lot of homebrewer’s beer recipes of course, but what was vienna used for historically and i guess currently on a commercial scale?
Vienna malt was developed by Dreher to mimic Marzen but created a beer slightly drier and lighter. You might find it creeping into other recipes, but it is only traditionally used in Vienna lager.
Vienna malt doesn’t get a lot of use outside of Vienna lager. When people want what it brings as a specialty malt, they usually opt for Munich malt. You can use Vienna malt similarly to Munich in recipes. It’s a little lighter and less sweet which is sometimes preferable.
thanks guys, yes i remember now in the anton dreher discussion from andreas krennmaier that yes, vienna malt was just a part of the development towards pale malts.
i find its exact taste hard to put into words besides the obvious malty/bread/more oomph than pilsner/ but not the obvious “oh its munich” round sweet maltiness and colour addition. i find that hard to describe bit as sort of angular/pointy/sharp almost like a microperception of a roasted malt.
in any case, i think im going to do some more open concept lageryeast beers rather than well-traveled m. dunkel/pils/bock etc.