Trying to save a beer...

Brewed saison with saison yeast and then wild yeast (forget which ones) then it sat in fermenter a llloooonnngggg time (it’s embarrassing). Finally bottled it and hoped it would be ok but it’s definitely still too “sugary”. Has anyone tried dumping bottles back into fermenter and add new yeast to try and save it? Or should I re-boil it all and then add new yeast. Or is it completely lost cause?

It is what it is. What do you mean by too sugary? If it sat for a while, it could be oxidized.

Very good point…

Definitely wouldn’t reboil. What was your FG? Recipe?

By too sugary I mean it just tastes like there’s way too much unfermented sugars like the yeast gave up. FG barely changed and was way off what it should be. So long ago forget what it was.

Dump it.

what was the OG?
dumping is probably the smart thing to do…but, what the heck, why not pour it back and try with some fresh yeast, or maybe the yeast off a recent batch of beer

Something I have been playing around with and having very good success with is using Brett. C. at bottling.  I had a couple saisons that had a lot of banana ester in them… they were fine, but I just hate that banana flavor in a beer.  So, I bought a some brett C… just used a small pipette to put 1/2-1ml of Brett C (directly from the pack - no starter) into each bottle (I like using 750ml bottles for this).  Capped them and stacked them on their sides for 2-4 months and came back to them.  The banana was totally gone.  In its place was a crisp, tart, slightly “bretty” saison.

I would just open each one, put in a bit of brett C (or experiment with a couple different types of brett) then recap them.  The Brett will eat up residual sugars and recarbonate the beer.  With a bit of luck, you might end up with something pretty good.  I would try that before I tried dumping the bottles back into a fermenter or anything like that.

The one difference though, is you said you already had some wild bugs in it (and, not sure what your current gravity is)… so, not sure if this has the same potential with your beer or not.  When I do this, I am carrying out the primary ferment with a saison yeast, ending  at 1.005-1.010 gravity and then bottling with Brett of some sort and some priming sugar depending on where the gravity is.