Briess Pilsen Extra Light Liquid Extract 6 lbs, 9.6 oz
Briess Victory 0 lbs, 8 oz
Briess 2 Row Caramel 120 8 oz
Briess 2 Row Caramel 40 8 oz
*Gambrinus Honey Malt 0 lbs, 4 oz
*Briess 2 Row Carapils 0 lbs, 4 oz
Crisp Chocolate Malt 0 lbs, 2 oz
Amarillo Pellets 1 oz @ 60 mins
Cascade Pellets 1 oz @ 10 mins
*Cascade Pellets, 1.5 oz Dry Hop
It’s a straight up red type beer kit, but I added in a little bit of malts and the dry hops. I want to brew a really hoppy red something between Stone Levitation and Green Flash Hop Head Red, but with about 6.5% ABV. I haven’t ordered yet and I can order anything I want in one ounce increments.
This looks like a great example. I may suggest bumping up the chocolate by an ounce or two and you may also want to check out pale chocolate malt, if you want it a little less roasty? I have had trouble getting a solid red color when I have tried to brew one. Mine always turn out rusty and more on the brownish side…
Ooo, I just realized the base kit was supposed to be about 5%, I guess adding a few more malts would up that somewhere near the right amount? How about this tweakage…
Briess Pilsen Extra Light Liquid Extract 6 lbs, 9.6 oz
Briess Victory 8 oz
Briess 2 Row Caramel 120 8 oz
Briess 2 Row Caramel 40 8 oz
*Gambrinus Honey Malt 4 oz
*Briess 2 Row Carapils 4 oz
*Crisp chocolate malt, 2oz
*Weyerman Cara Amber, 2oz
Crisp Chocolate Pale Malt 2 oz
Amarillo Pellets 1 oz @ 60 mins
Cascade Pellets 1 oz @ 10 mins
*Cascade Pellets, 1.5 oz Dry Hop
If it comes out perfectly red, great. If it comes out a little brown and a damn tasty beer, even better!!
the specialty malts are not going to get you from 5 to 6.5% i would just add a little extra LME or DME to bump your gravity. or if you want to make the body a little lighter add some table sugar. it’s acceptable in irish reds and a little bit will jump your gravity the looks like another 1.5 lbs LME will get you to around 6.5 but I gotta tell you with all those crystal malts this is going to under attenuate badly. LME is not really great on fermentability as it is and adding 15% crystal/cara malts is going to make this a big sweet beer, not like a levitation.
It will also end up pretty dark around 21.5 SRM according to beer smith.
maybe try about 8 lbs marris otter extract with a dash of crystal 40 and/or 120 and some chocolate or black malt to get your red color just a thought.
Briess Pilsen Extra Light Liquid Extract 6 lbs, 9.6 oz
Briess Golden Light Dry Extract 1 lbs
Briess Victory 8 oz
Briess 2 Row Caramel 40 8 oz
Briess 2 Row Caramel 120 8 oz
Weyermann Cara Amber ® 6 oz
Briess Pilsen (Extra) Light Dry Extract 4 oz
Briess 2 Row Carapils 4 oz
Crisp Pale Chocolate Malt 2 oz
Crisp Chocolate Malt 2 oz
Cascade Pellets 1 oz @ 60 mins
Amarillo Pellets 1 oz @ 10 mins
Cascade Pellets 2 oz @ Dry
Irish Moss powder
SAFALE US-05 American Ale
Website calculates:
IBU 24.4
SRM 17.86
ABV 6.03
This is fun! I wish I knew more about how these ingredients work, but over time I’m sure I will learn a lot. How about this version?
Just my $.02 but -
Drop the Victory unless you are going to do a mini-mash, it will make your beer hazy.
Drop the C-40, you don’t really need it, and it will give you brown, not red.
If you are going to use US-05, add another 4 oz Carapils
Drop the chocolate malts, they will give you brown also
Use 2 oz Carafa II OR 2 oz Castle debittered black malt (big red)
I general German Cara-malts will give you red, British give you brown.
It is your beer and you should do what you want to try. That being said I would keep it very simple something like
~8 lbs light malt extract (enough to more or less get the starting gravity you want, maybe a couple points below)
.5 lbs cyrstal 120 OR caraamber
2 oz debittered black malt (carafa I or II)
hop schedule looks fine.
to many specialty malts will result in a ‘muddy’ flavour.
OK! Taking input from three sources here, this is my latest edition, still subject to change! I simplified the grain bill, changed the hops around a little bit, and changed the extracts too.
Briess Pilsen Extra Light Liquid Extract 4 lbs, 8 oz
Briess Golden Light Dry Extract 3 lbs
Weyermann Cara Munich II ® 1 lbs
Briess 2 Row Caramel 120 8 oz
Briess 2 Row Carapils 8 oz
Magnum Pellets, GR 1 oz @ 60 mins
Cascade Pellets 1 oz @ 10 mins
Amarillo Pellets 1 oz @ 0 mins
Cascade Pellets 2 oz Dry hopped
Whirlfloc Tablets 1 ea
SAFALE US-05 American Ale 1 ea