Gets even worse. Shockolate wheat is indeed chocolatey but tastes like that cheap fake chocolate you see around Easter-time. You know- the waxy doesn’t melt in your mouth kind that you find at the Dollar store.
All of them have “natural flavors” added. It’s not even Beer!
The regular Shock-top is ok but this other garbage has got to go. I’m tempted to get my money back. ???
Shocktop is hurting their brand significantly. If I was just getting into the beer world and enjoyed Shocktop, I would be pissed after wasting money on this other crap. I’m sure newbies like Blue Moon and 312 just as much and will expand on those brands (though Goose Island and Shocktop are owned by the same company).
I was faced with a choice between Blue Moon and Miller Lite a couple weekends ago (was helping run a charity auction). Actually blue Moon wasn’t too bad for a long night being an auctioneer’s mule.