Two Women Lager yeast?

Anyone know what yeast New Glarus uses in their Two Women Lager?

New Glarus Brewing

I saw an old post where someone guessed 2308.

thanks in advance!

New Glarus is extremely secretive. My guesses would include 2308, as well as 2206, and 2487/WLP833. If the recipe is good, any of these will get you very very close. These are all very similar yeasts, closely related.

833 is said to be Ayinger’s yeast. Dan Carry apprenticed at Ayinger. 833 might be a good choice.  :wink:

Great point.  And out of all of them, I think 833 might be the best of the bunch anyway.  More experiments are needed.


833 yeast is my favorite. I don’t think you can go wrong using it.

When I first drank it up in the Northwoods, I swear I reached into the cooler, popped the top, took a sip and exclaimed “2308”!  :D  I’m not kidding.  I make a version of it and use either 2308 or 838 (which I believe are the same or extremely close).  The label says it’s “two malts and one hop” and I believe they say specifically that it’s Hallertau Mittelfruh for the hops.  My guess is that the two malts are pilsner and Munich 2 so that’s how I make it.  I see that I made it here on March 6, 2021.  I did a 60/40 Best Malz Pilsner, Best Malz Munich 2, About 22 IBUs of Hallertau Mitt from the start of the boil and a ½ ounce with 10 minutes left and 838.  I’m not saying this is the Carey’s recipe but it’s very much in the spirit of it.  A pic…

Can’t say as to the yeast, but I do like the Weyermann FM Bohemian Pils and Hallertauer Mittlefruh they use:

I used 2206 a lot when I made several iterations of a similar beer one year to see how close I could get.  My LHBS had a fair amount of Weyermann FM Bo Pils and I was going through it in sequential batches.

So an update…
I was able to get BEST pilsner before Weyerman/Barke and made a my first attempt.

I used 88% Best and 12% Avengard dark Munich to try and get the color and touch of sweetness in my clone I used Omega 111 Bock yeast.
My buddy and I sampled the 2 side by side.  Note my 1st attempt clone was only 15 days old, on the left but will be a close representation of the final clone product.

My clone was favored, 2-0 over the subject beer.  The 2 beers were close and I think the Ayinger yeast IS spot on.
The 2women has an odd sweetness that that seemed to be cloyingly sweet from a crystal malt  I am guessing. My buddy and I did not like this sweetness.

I have a Barke Pils (not exactly Weyerman floor malted, but … ) clone that I will be sampling soon, but I need to find some 2women beer in the STL MO area to see if it is any closer the clone, but not sure that is the goal any more.

Note that I love this Ayinger yeast… I am going to run that a long while.  It clears up like nothing I have ever seen, it taste magical.
I have used 3470, Anheuser-Busch, WLP940 and 2206 in the last couple of years for comparison and made great beers with them all.

thanks haeffnkr

If you can find New Glarus beers in STL, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal.  New Glarus beers are only allowed to be sold in the state of Wisconsin.  Don’t ask don’t tell.

Also, FYI, I’m pretty sure Dan Carey only uses Briess malts.  This might explain some of the unique character of the malt, since I see you’ve only been using other maltsters.

i did a project with a large emphasis on new glarus, and it was the most frustrating thing ever knowing i will likely never get out to wisconsin, and that they are so nuts about keeping their beer in the state. i also heard in the new glarus taproom mrs. carey will cut you off if she thinks youre drinking too much? lol