I transfered my Dunkel last week into a secondary at 1.023. Repitched and hoped for a better finish. Not much activity happened all week and it still sits at 1.023. Started at 1.071. Tastes good a bit on the sweet side. More so than expected for apparent reasons. Keg and drink or rack it into a primary I’m about to empty?
It’s kegged. More yeast for the next batch. Maybe 2 degrees higher on the ferment.
which yeast did you use?
I’ve had underattenuated ales that I’ve tweaked with addition of higher attenuating yeasts (and a bit of sugar) to dry them out a bit, which worked well, but I was starting out with high-ester yeasts, so the flavor was fairly locked in by that point. I’ve had some success in those styles, but those gave me a lot of wiggle room.
A dunkel (using a lager yeast presumably?), might be too much of a different beast. I haven’t done many lagers, so I’m curious what others might do in this situation… I’m hoping to do some dunkels this year, one of my favorite beers but I haven’t brewed any yet.
From what you posted in them other thread, I’d chalk it up to unfermentables in the wort.
lalbrew munich classic. I’m positive I under pitched both times. It will be a desert beer this time around. next time i’ll over pitch a bit and a little warmer.