Universal Poppet O-ring

I had one of these tear recently.  They are theoretically replaceable.

Anyone know where to get them in bulk?  I’ve seen a couple on-line vendors selling them individually for $0.10 or $0.15, but I don’t want to place an order for less than $1.

Anyone know a McMaster Carr part #?

AIH lists the specs as 1/8" ID and 1/4" OD and #6. Based on that, I think these are the correct rings. - McMaster-Carr

Cool.  Thanks.

Of course, what will I do with 100?  But I’ll probably get them nonetheless.

Share them with buddies. Order some other rings to spread out the cost of shipping.

I’d probably just buy a new poppet, to be honest. I do really like the universals, have them for all my kegs.

Meh.  I disagree.  I have extras, so it’s not an immediate concern, but clearly the rubber part will wear out.  Those springs look like they’ll never wear out.  Why toss the poppet rather than replace the o-ring?

For less than $5 for 100 o-rings it’s worth it even if I just toss them into the tool box.

One of the other poppets is going to need an o-ring eventually.

That part # works on poppets too.  Since I dug out my paperwork, these worked for me:

9452k23  posts

9452k218 Lids  these are .275 diameter for newer kegs.  They also sell thicker cord stock and you can make your own 9864k33.  These are 5/16 for old wore out kegs.

9452k172 dip tubes

That, I did not know.  A couple years back, Tom Schmidlin and I had a thread where we were searching for a bulk supplier for the thicker o-rings that some on-line retailers sell.  Never did find any.

Have you made your own?  How do they hold up?  Does super glue really hold them together?  The vulcanizing joiner kit costs over $1000…

I made a bunch a couple months ago no fails yet and best of all no leaky lids.  They recommend a 24$ superglue, I used 5$ Home Depot version, ran them thru several dishwasher and sanitizer/cleaner soaks with no problem.  The trick is to use a tiny drop of glue (way less than you think you need) so it doesn’t get brittle at the glue joint and trick 2 is to cut very straight and clean. I got the cheap splicing jig but it was useless for me.  Got a long fresh razor like the bigger clicker knife blades, set one end of blade into a cutting board so it doesn’t move, hold the cord very close to the cut, drop blade straight down and cut slow and evenly so it works like an office paper trimmer. No back & forth cutting. I think I cut 11-7/8" pieces but I forgot to write it down.  very carefully align the cord ends and hold. Give it a bit to let the glue set up and try to pull them apart.  If it does, toss it.  They wont clean up & re-glue, I tried.  They will only come apart if you didn’t make a straight mating cut or used too little glue.  The last few tries look factory, cant even see the seam without my reading glasses.  I think I wasted the first 3 or 4 using the jig, sawing instead of chopping, too much glue, misaligned, etc.

The o-rings that fit my universal poppets (as well as the pull ring screw-in lid pressure release valve with replaceable o-ring) are:

AS568 Dash Number 008
Actual Width: 0.070" (1.78 mm)
Actual Inside Diameter: 0.176" (4.47 mm)
Outside Diameter: 0.316"
Nominal Width 1/16"
Nominal Inside Dia. 3/16"
Nominal Outside Dia. 5/16"